Before You Sacrifice Your Queen

Chess Queen and King

He deferred to her, listening intently as she spoke. When she cried, his eyes were pained and he placed his hand on her back reassuringly.

It was a second marriage for both. Her ex had some undisclosed tax shenanigans that pre-dated the divorce. To make matters complicated, while they were still married but separated, husband #1 accepted service of important tax notices for his estranged wife (“It’ll go away if I ignore it, right?”). The divorce is finalized, years pass, and she remarries.

Then the tax man called. It’s a big number.

No scowls, no sidelong stares, no stiffly raised eyebrows from husband #2. This is not a “let’s march you down to the principal’s office, young lady” sort of visit. He gently passes her the box of Kleenex on my conference table. She hadn’t known she was bringing a financial demon into the marriage, but now through tears she asks: “Should I get a divorce?”

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